Monday, June 1, 2009

What about haemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids pain

More than 50 percent of the population older than 30 years has lighter or stronger haemorrhoids problems. Besides cream, now there are herbal pills to ease the problem. But food and motion are the key. List the diseases that people usually suffer from? Probably few would think of haemorrhoids. This unpleasant disease of swollen blood vessels in the anus area and lower rectum is among the most common diseases in the world, but despite that the hemorrhoids are still not talk about. Worldwide more than 70 percent of the population during the life sooner or later has haemorrhoids problems, between 4 and 5 percent are currently suffering from very serious problems, and even more than 50 percent of the population older than 30 years suffer from easier or harder haemorrhoids problems.
When a person suffers from haemorrhoids, vein wall expends, are bleeding, and accompanying symptoms are itching, annealing, pain and pressure in the anal region. People suffering from haemorrhoids rarely speak about their problems because of discomfort and shame, so they often do not have access to all information related to the treatment and prevention of diseases. Treatment with various fats and creams is usual, drinking tea or taking pills alsoThe effect of herbal tablets like PILEX starts quickly and lasts for about 6 months. Will it work longer depends on the patient also. Maintaining hygiene of bowels (which includes proper nutrition), taking more fiber, maintaining regular stool, not eating fast food, hot and spicy food will extend drug effect. It is also recommended to avoid prolonged sitting and standing and lifting heavy weights. Haemorrhoids can be external or internal, and most often affect both men and women, who often sit or stand, and can be very frequent in pregnancy. People with soft connective tissue, or those suffering from chronic constipation or suffer from some liver disease, such as cirrhosis are more likely to get them.

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